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As analysts, our constant pursuit is to find the narrative hidden in our data. And in this pursuit, regression analysis is one of our most powerful tools. It takes us beyond surface-level observations and into a place of deep, practical understanding; where we can anticipate patterns, pinpoint crucial factors, and utilize data-driven reasoning to drive […]

The Ultimate Introduction to Regression Analysis


September 11, 2024

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Today, we are looking at an extremely important source of primary data for the analyst: Surveys. The rise of virtual platforms like Qualtrics, Alchemer, SurveyMonkey, and others has made online surveys a widely used tool in market research. These technologies offer more efficient and accurate data collection methods compared to traditional approaches, allowing researchers to […]

The Art+Science of Survey Design: Best Practices

Analysis, Marketing

August 28, 2024

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Today we are resuming our “My Favorite Analyses” series which takes a deep-dive look at the most important and impactful ways to extract insights from raw data, enabling informed decision-making. In previous MFA posts we looked at the customer cohort chart (C3) and customer lifetime value (CLV). We are now introducing a third customer-focused analysis […]

My Favorite Analyses: The Recency-Frequency Matrix

My Favorite Analyses

August 15, 2024

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In our discussion on creating a C3 chart a few weeks ago, we generated a great deal of discussion. The concept of cohort analysis obviously hit home and quite a few of you wanted to know more. Specifically, we received numerous requests for guidance on preparing data for this type of analysis. In today’s post, […]

How To Prepare Data For A Customer Cohort Analysis

Analysis, Spreadsheets

July 31, 2024

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We are delighted to continue our exploration of Spreadsheet Fundamentals with a tutorial on LOOKUP functions. In this lesson, we dive into the fundamentals of retrieving and combining data seamlessly from various datasets using Excel and Google Sheets. Whether you’re dealing with massive data or merging information from different sources, mastering these lookup functions will […]

Your Guide to LOOKUP Functions in Spreadsheets


July 17, 2024

Kevin is a highly regarded Associate Teaching Professor at the University of Notre Dame and brings years of experience in industry leadership as Google’s Chief Analytics Strategist and FCB’s SVP Director of Strategic Analytics. His unique background allows him to effectively guide students in honing their analytical abilities, utilizing a blend of creative thinking and data-focused analysis. Kevin is a six-time winner of the Advertising Research Foundation Ogilvy Award and author of the best-selling book 'Digital Marketing Analytics: In Theory And In Practice'.

Meet your instructor, Kevin Hartman


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